Chemistry Lab Apparatus
Here is the list of apparatus used in chemical laboratories for chemical testing each with its uses. These chemical equipment are designed according to their functions and works. The uses are accurately defined in the above-embedded PDF so that everyone must clear about what chemistry apparatus is used for and what's its purpose. Different types of equipment such as funnel, filter paper, glass beakers, glass funnel, burettes, flasks, conical flasks liquid limbs and wooden corks are discussed precisely.
The chemical apparatus is described along with the images attached for a better understanding of the working principle of chemical equipment.
The notes are premium for chemistry students looking for chemical equipment and they use Al ok Ng with graphic images or photos. The use of goggles is also described briefly in these notes. Safety measures and precautions should be taken while performing experiments with chemicals and how to handle them to control chemical reactions. The iron stand is used to keep the beaker standing on a burner to proceed chemical reaction taking place.
- Dropper: It is used for adding the solution drop by drop.
- Test Tube holder: A test tube holder is used for holding the test tubes and test tube when a substance or mixture is to be heated.
- Pipette: It is used for transferring one substance into another by measuring pipettes are different sizes. These are used to take a known volume of liquid.
- Funnel: A funnel is used for the filtration of solution and for transferring liquid and it is also used for pouring liquid or other substance through a small opening.
- Mortar and Pestle: It is used to grind up materials in the form of paste or powder.
- Bunsen Burner: In this apparatus, liquids are heated over a flame so that they evaporate, Leaving a solid residue, especially if it is used for evaporation of the solution.
- China Dish
- Volumetric Flask: A volumetric flask is used to measure precise volumes of liquid or to make precise dilutions.
- Thermometer: It is used for measuring the temperature.
- Tong
- Stirring rod/Glass rod: mixing the liquids or distribution of heat in a liquid by stirring.
- Watch Glass
- Ring stand
- Ring Clamp
- Graduated Cylinder: It is used to measure an amount of liquid.
- Spatula: It is a small scope used to transfer powder and crystal chemicals.
- Measuring Flask: These flasks are of different sizes and are used to measure volumes of liquids.
Chemistry Lab Apparatus and Their Uses in PDF:
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