Why Racism is Bad?

Why Racism is Bad?

We people are born to learn something new every day. When we are a kid, our brain is so soft and transforming that if we are conveyed to read all the books at that stage, we can do it easily. But when we learn something bad, simply it brainwashes minds. Thoughts are created by man itself; it is up to a human which path he chooses and what right path he thinks to achieve his desires. He may choose the right path, or he may go to hell.

Talking about the mind of a kid we assume that he is too childish, and he learns what he sees. Meanwhile, we came to know that a kid catches all visions which he seems. At an early age, he is not able to make any difference between right or wrong. The world looked to him like a spongy ball, and he saves in his memory whatever he views in it.

Human in his childhood, speeches as a chatterbox, he looks cute when he blinks his eyes on every moment, and attachment to his mother keep him safeguarded. He is fond of eating a different variety of foods and every one has its own taste or flavour. Similarly, each human inhibits unique ideas, thoughts, colour completion, fitness, way of explanation, sense of humour, likes/dislikes, opinions, and choice. These all are the things that make us all different.

Each of us belongs to different geographical locations of the world that is why we have diversity in terms of our culture, religion, traditions, foods, clothing, words of salutation, language, and ethnicity. But the thing that unites us all is humanity. We all are the next generations of Prophet Adam (AS). We under the tag humanity are not different but we have diversity.

We people had somehow rebirth after the story of Prophet Noah (AS), as his nation was indulged in serious crimes, so Allah destroyed his nation while Prophet Noah left his state but carrying thousands of couples of animals, birds, and insects along with few companions in his biggest boat. His nation was destroyed when a large sea storm passed through them. After that we humans were divided and travelled through Asia, Europe, and Africa. In all ways, we are equal, and nothing is different but diversity.

Racism has remained as one of the worst kinds of cancer that have ever grown. There are different stories and myths but none of them is authentic. The most important thing is that it has destroyed the original values of several ethnic groups and has put some of the world areas in unrest. The United States is a country that has been the victim of racism from the beginning. Recently, the killing of George Floyd was seen as the cause of the rising racism in the US. Not in the US, Europe has also remained the point of conflict due to rules against the black people. 

Before the discovery of the new world, Europeans were seen as the royal persons of the society while the blacks were treated as their slaves. Even Christopher Columbus is seen as the founder of the new world, but he was not the first who discovered it. New research and history analysts coin the African Arabs to be the founder New world. As they had reported the ruler of the Arab peninsula had well developed strong navy forces at that time and no one had such toughest boats in the whole world to compete with them. So black African-Arab Muslims is considered the founder of the New World.

When the new world was discovered, there was a large influx of refugees and British merchants along with their black slaves. From that time different people from different ethnic groups are living the America. I appreciate Americans that their rules and regulatory authority achieve diversity by bringing several exchange students around the globe to exchange knowledge and cultural traditions.

Even at the time of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), racism was seen as the root cause of wars and hate. Prophet Muhammad united all ethnic groups under the title Momin/Muslim. In his last sermon he said: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also, a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly.”

Ku Klux Klan is a terrorist group based in America. The group call itself KKK to be the community of white people but the US has banned and arrested several members of this group due to serious inhuman crimes. The group is against the black and Asiatic people, refugees, immigrants, Christian, Jews, homo-sexual and Muslims living in the United States of America. KKK has its own rituals and their own separate book on which they believe. Members of the community are recruited through a strict procedure and then a fee is charged for the membership.

People of America claim that members of the KKK are satanic and they have a close relationship with them. They also claim that this terrorist group has been involved in many attacks and governmental machinery. Similar, a new terrorist group, namely, ISIS works on almost the same principles and they call themselves the Jihadists wearing black masks. Americans call it an Islamic group, but it is an injustice to relate it to any religion. No religion in the world sponsors the teaching of terrorism and Islam is a religion of peace. In the simplest meaning, terrorists do not belong to any religion.

The US has banned the group from the ritual and community practices as that had created fear in the whole country and it had become a threat to the government also to bring diversity. Immigrants and engineers were reluctant to fly to the US due to the uprising of this group in back 1950’s. KKK had almost more than 10 million members in the beginning but they are not more than 5000 to 10,000. Still, most Americans are afraid of KKK because they are seen practising their rituals in the villages of US states.

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