Importance of Career Counselling

Importance of Career Counselling

We can’t imagine how much career counselling is important in this modern era. This is the only way through which a person can make a great choice and plan the right path for his successful journey. The only way to

What is Career Counselling?

It is simply a process in which a Counsellor (career expert) suggests, guides, and directs the counselee (student) to make good decisions regarding his academic career and job hunting. A counsellor provides him with the finest and premium way towards a successful career and satisfies students about his future planning.

The best time for the career counselling of students is when they are of ages between 15-17 years. This is a teenager when a person's place of schooling changes from school to college and then finally to university.

This is the age when the person is given full authority to make his own way and make certain decisions in his life. Unfortunately, this is the stage where students lack a trusted guide and parents seek the help and suggestions of their relatives or unqualified persons who suggest different irrelevant choices of career for the student. Hence, students get confused about what to choose to become.

Every human is different and each every person is unique. Not all can become president, nor all can become an athlete like Muhammad Ali but they all can become successful professionals in their own fields. Parents should not take their children to become doctors or engineers, but they should let them be free to make their own decisions in this regard and see what scope of life sparks their interest. Parents should give their children time to think over it and make their dreams come true and listen to them about what they want to do in their life.

In Grade 10 or Matriculation, there are three options for students, namely, Science Group, Computer Science and Commerce. These three options are given to make it clear in which subjects the student is leading and what is making him lag? Results of grade 10 give a clear idea of how a student may take the lead in his 12 grade or intermediate.

Do not choose the fields in the intermediate based on scoring in the 10 grades. Choosing an Engineering or Medical group based on marking in Mathematics or Biology in 10 grade is not a proper way to judge the person whether he wants to become a doctor or an engineer. Parents and students should avoid taking suggestions from inexperienced people. That is also a turning point where a person decides his career and plans his future. So, counselling from an expert is a must.

A counsellor deals with academic problems and audits the issues and their solutions while giving descriptive information about a certain problem. When college-passed students are indulged in preparation for their university admission tests, they do not prefer to be counselled. In university admission forms they are even asked for their final choices of disciplines but here they make the biggest mistake. Most of them pass the test but they are awarded irrelevant disciplines because they did not take any career guidance to fill the university admission forms.

Even if the students have a great merit criterion they choose a field where competition is high and finally, they are unable to compete in that due to lack of interest and unlatch of their personality. So, a good student always seeks help from a career expert pre-plans the choices he wants to make and then finalizes them with others that best suit him.

Career guidance is beneficial for both short and long-term success in our professional life as a person. Spending time with a career counsellor enables us to recognize our value as professionals, job hunting, get an upgraded rank or promotion, jor ust get advice concerning work-related issues from an expert like a counsellor.

Benefits of Career Counselling:

  • It helps in picking the right career and the counselee gains full confidence in what he is going to do.
  • A counselee is given full insights into the academics and job trends within his state.
  • The counselee has a professional as a trustee to explore the expert resources.
  • Seeking career guidance may help in controlling the frustration of the future and help in treating irregular sleeping patterns.
  • A counsellor gives examples of living role models who are making an impact in the lives of people through their academic efforts and ideas. So, this brings smoothness to the thoughts of a counselee.


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