Microsoft's Windows 365 Revealed

Microsoft's Windows 365 Revealed

Microsoft has announced its new Windows operating system. Microsoft had announced its Windows 10 in back 2015 with amazing features and enhancements to Windows 8.1. Again, Microsoft has come up with a new Windows OS but with a unique feature that no one might have expected in this launch.

Microsoft has announced its new Operating system under the title of Windows 365. The new OS is completely based on cloud computing and virtual storage.

Microsoft Windows 365 is packed with all the basic features and improvements in performance. This operating system does not require any heavy hardware or high storage. This means that you can easily run it on any PC you want. So, you don't have to worry about the specification of your system.

The new OS does not need to be downloaded or installed. Even the application that you are going to use in the upcoming windows is also free from downloading procedures. All the application software and systems software would run online.

The only thing that you need is a fast and non-stop internet connection. It could be WiFi or the ethernet cable network. Since Windows would not be running on your computer, all the processes would be done in the Microsoft data centres, so a fast internet connection is a must.

It is also expected that the new Windows would bring a cloud-based graphics framework and gamers would not have to worry about higher FPS and game lags.

Microsoft Windows 365 has given other operating systems a push to adopt cloud-based technology. Although, Microsoft has entered into a new venture and business is growing rapidly.

Remember that Microsoft has already shifted its Gaming Xbox One station on Microsoft Azure which is also based on cloud storage service.


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