National Integration and Prosperity

National Integration and Prosperity
National Integration and Prosperity

8.1.1 Define National Cohesion and Integration?

National Cohesion:

It is a process and an outcome of instilling and enabling all citizens in the country to have a sense as well as a feeling that they are members of the same country, engaged in a common enterprise and facing shared challenges. Indeed, National Cohesion goes beyond peacekeeping and conflict management.

National cohesion is because societies and individuals can only achieve their potential when living and working together. This is realized through the regulation and reconciliation of differences, competing interests and demands.

National cohesion is strongest when everyone in the country has the opportunity, the resources, and the motivation to participate in society as fully as they wish and on an equal basis with others.

National Integration:

National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religions and regions and speak different languages we recognize the fact that we are all one. This kind of integration is very important in the building of a strong and prosperous nation.

8.1.2 Differentiate between national cohesion and national integration:

National cohesion is a feeling of unity of being a member of one country and people used to be united when the country is prosperous.
National integration is a feeling of unity among different races and religions under any circumstances.

8.2.1 Factors enhancing National integration and national cohesion:

Pakistan’s Constitution Our founding fathers were aware that there were threats to our unity from various forces. Consequently, certain safeguards were placed in our Constitution. These took the form of certain ideals and principles like Democracy, Secularism, and Social Equality that are guaranteed under our Fundamental Rights. Thus, our Constitution is the most important force that promotes national integration.

Pakistan is an Islamic state, every citizen of our country has the right to practice his or her religion. The government cannot show a preference for one religion at the expense of another.

As a democratic state, all the citizens of Pakistan are equal under the law of the country. As studied earlier, our Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy specifically state that each citizen is equal in every way. People cannot be discriminated against based on differences in caste, religion, language, and culture.
National festivals also act as an important unifying force. Independence Day, Pakistan Resolution Day, and Kashmir Day are festivals that are celebrated by all Indians and in all parts of the country, regardless of language, religion, or culture. They remind us of our common nationality.

8.2.2 Why National integration & National cohesion are important for a country:

National integration and cohesion are important for a country because of the following reasons:
  1. Enhanced national solidarity and harmony.
  2. A unified approach to confronting external threats.
  3. Commitment to national ideals.
  4. Improved economic performance and well-being.
  5. Promotion of equity in the sharing of state resources.
  6. Building a strong national identity.
  7. Enhanced credibility in regional/international; and peacemaking processes.
8.3.1 Problems associated with building national cohesion in Pakistan:

The following are the problems that obstruct national cohesion:
  1. Divisive ideologies.
  2. Deteriorating morals and values.
  3. Culture of greed and selfishness.
  4. Community superiority/ inferiority.
  5. Negative ethnicity/ negative cultural practices.
  6. Weakening of the family units.
  7. Feudalism.
  8. Selfish politicians.
  9. Corrupt Bureaucracy
  10. Low literacy

8.3.2 Ways to increase national integration and national cohesion in the country:

The following are the ways to boost national integration and national cohesion.
Patriotism, National Unity, Sharing and Devolution of power. The rule of law, Democracy, and Participation of the people.
Human dignity, Equity, Social justice, Inclusiveness, Equality, Human rights, Non-discrimination, Protection of minority rights.
Good governance, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability
Sustainable development.

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